Spiritual Abuse The Misuse of Power.


Authors: Bernice Roberts Kennedy, PhD
Publisher: BRK Global Healthcare Consulting Firm, LLC
Year Published: 2013 (Revised 2015, Revised 2020)
Format: Paper Perfect  Bound Book
Pages: 93
Size: 5.5X 8.5
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0-9897285-8-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-9897285-8-4



Abuse of any type occurs when someone has power over another person(s) and uses that power to hurt. Spiritual abuse means that someone in a position of spiritual authority uses that position to inflict spiritual wounds. There has been a dramatic increase in the public’s awareness and concern about various forms of abuse connected to Spiritual leaders. These abuses have been sexual, emotional, psychological, and spiritual abuse of women, congregants, and children by spiritual leaders. Spiritual abuse leaves victims with a feeling of distrust, fear, anger, confusion, and grieving. This book addresses spiritual abuse, which is often not recognized or often mentioned as a form of psychological or emotional abuse. First, this book addresses the use of spiritual abuse by Spiritual leaders to their congregants or followers. Case reports will be presented about incidents of abuse. The spirit of Jezebel will be addressed. This book ends with the role of the church in addressing abuse, spiritual healing of abused victims of spiritual abuse, and the need for mentoring of Spiritual leaders.


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